A week of Politics for Puebla: Morena candidates will be defined

Note published on January 29 in diariopuntual.com [Opinión] Section by Diario Puntual.


The week that is starting will be a crucial one for Puebla politics.

The name of the Morena candidate for the municipal presidency of Puebla will be made known and, further, so will the nominations for local and federal congressmen and for the remaining 216 mayors’ offices.

Pepe Chedraui leads in the polls; he is a competitive businessman and the favorite of the power elite. In the last weeks social anthropologist Lyz Vilchis, an official that is close to president López Obrador, has been included in response to the topic of gender.

Everything indicates that one of the two will be nominated to compete against PAN member Mario Riestra on June 2. This will be a week of definitions.

For her part, the Morena candidate aspiring for the municipal presidency of Puebla, Claudia Rivera,  supported the inclusion of Elizabeth García Vilchis in the internal measurement by the party for designating the candidacy for mayor’s office in the upcoming election.

At a press conference held yesterday, Sunday, she stated that it is possible that the results will be provided in the next few days and supported the participation of women in the internal process that is being conducted by the movement to defend the 4T in the capital city.

On January 24, president López Obrador urged Lyz Vilchis, host of the “Who’s Who in Lies” section on his morning show, to make a decision in regard to her participation in the June 2 election.

The head of Networks of the General Coordination of Social Communication and Presidential Spokesperson also has the support of Armenta Mier, who denied that her possible nomination depends on him.

Militants of the Acción Nacional, Revolucionario Institucional, de la Revolución Democrática and Pacto Social de Integración parties invited Xóchitl Gálvez and Lalo Rivera to a meeting for unity and strengthening in face of the process that is approaching at the federal and state levels.

“Those of us who truly want a better state are here”, said Néstor Camarillo, state director of the PRI, and added that there are many valuable, honest people who are committed to their land in the militancies who will  become a part of the joint project.

Augusta Díaz de Rivera, president of the PAN in Puebla, joined in the recognition of the militancies that together will allow Mexico to move forward, returning to the path of democracy and development. “We are four parties that aspire to revert the damage that Morena is doing to the country while not losing our identity, which requires concessions, dialogue and agreements.”

While Ángel Ávila, PRD representative before the INE [National Electoral Institute], pointed out in the name of the national leaderships that this united coalition is powerful and will know how to put up a fight, facing adversities, such as organized crime and the upcoming state elections.

Lalo Rivera invited attendees to make the state vibrate, to ignite enthusiasm in each and every corner with leadership in order to inspire other militants. “let’s go forward with determination, courage and without fear, to make Mexico change, Puebla change for the better”, he said.

Lastly, Xóchitl Gálvez stated that the mother of all battles will take place in Puebla, and at this moment it is important to “bring life to where death strolls today, bring truth to where lies currently govern and defend freedom where it is now threatened by fear.”

The president of Audi México, Tarek Mashhour, invited the secretary general of the Independent Union of Audi Mexico Workers, César Orta Briones, to resume the negotiation tables in regard to the 2024 contractual revision. Since Wednesday the 24th of January, when the strike broke out over a disagreement in regard to salaries, neither party has resolved the conflict.

In a message addressed to the plant workers, the president of the automaker stated that he is only waiting for the date and time to be defined by the union representative to meet again before the federal authorities.

Through the legal representative of Audi México, Oscar de la Vega, the company requested the Sitaudi to bring a new proposal, other than the 15.5 percent that was its last request, as they consider that that parameter cannot be negotiated. They offer a one digit increase, which they consider will maintain labor stability at the German factory.

Upon accusing the federal government and its ‘Fourth Transformation (4T)’ of betraying the people, substitute senator for Ricardo Monreal, Alejandro Rojas Díaz Durán, announced his resignation from the party yesterday.

“He decides to resign from Morena because president López Obrador, Sheinbaum, PhD and Morena insist on continuing to divert principles, commitments and promises of the nation’s project”, he stated.

Díaz Durán declared that he is now with other Mexicans who demand a democratic regime, without explaining whether this means joining the independent side or an opposition party.

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