Labor Engineering

In this area, we focus on three recurring labor risks in Mexican organizations: protection contracts, economic support for unions, and labor conflicts.

In order to prevent labor conflicts, it is necessary to have organizations and leaderships that are close to the workers, and Labor Engineering seeks to develop a completely preventive approach that tries to develop the labor maturity of a company to ensure its labor sustainability and prevent conflicts.

Diagnosis of internal labor risk

Through social listening tools with workers, we identify the level of union risk or conflict.

External risk monitoring

Crossing various external information sources, we identify the level of union risk by sector and state, identifying the behavior of collective bargaining and labor conflict.

Monitoring of representation records

Seeking to prevent the entry of new unions, we monitor by company name to identify requests for representation.

Review and improvement of floor labor practices

Analysis of the HR processes of companies seeking to mitigate labor risks or conflict.

Preparation of leaders in labor issues

Training and implementation of positive labor practices to consolidate work environments with lower labor risk, both in union-free environments and in work centers with active unions.

Preparation of HR teams in the management of the labor changes caused by the reform

Training and accompaniment in the definition and development of the labor strategy, both in union-free environments and in work centers with an active union.

Protocols and preparation for labor crisis management

Identification of risks, definition of prevention and management actions, as well as training of crisis management teams to mitigate the effects of labor unrest.

Preparation for CBA negotiation teams

Design of the team, preparation of the negotiation and development of actions to support the negotiation of the collective bargaining agreement and consultation.