Labor and social security authorities identified 22,000 companies that do not comply with the obligation of providing social security and, thus, run the risk of losing their registration before the Registry of Providers of Specialized Services or Specialized Works (Repse), which entails fiscal, accounting and labor effects.
According to information provided by the Department of Labor and Social Welfare (STPS) and the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) who exchange information in order to monitor companies’ compliance with their social security obligations, in their last report, which is conducted every six months, they identified the contractors who are in any type of breach of their obligations in regard to social security.
Given the foregoing, on January 29 and 30, 2025, the authorities sent an exhortation for them to review and, if applicable, put their affairs in regard to social security in order; that is, the registration of their workers with the IMSS, given that the “failure to report the workers is cause for the cancellation of the REPSE.”
The REPSE is the registry enabled by the labor authority in 2021 with the reform in subcontracting matters, as this is the only way in which companies can offer the provision of specialized services; that is contracting a service with workers that perform the service at another company, provided that the companies not have the same corporate purpose.
Through this report, the STPS and the IMSS detail that 15% of the companies in the registry that offer specialized services did not obtain a favorable opinion.
It is worth noting that companies that obtained registration in 2021 must now update their registration, which allows them to continue offering specialized services for other companies.
Regina de la Vega, partner at the D&MAbogados Firm, said that there have been cancellations of the REPSE due to amounts as low as 13 pesos. As we know, the authority is in continuous communication with the IMSS and with the Infonavit [National Workers’ Housing Fund Institute] and, therefore, it is of the utmost importance to comply and not to overlook the quadrimestral, reports.”
She pointed out that, in the renovation process, “we have found that as a result of debts that have been overlooked by their accountants or because they did not receive the corresponding notifications, their Repse has been canceled and, in the event of cancellation, they cannot legally provide this specialized service.”
She stated that the situation becomes complicated because companies leave the process for the last minute, even though they are given three months to prepare the registration with anticipation.
Last year, the number of companies that did not comply with their obligations in social security matters that were identified by the authorities was of 34,302; that is 12,302 more than at the beginning of this 2025, although we need to take into consideration that last year 151,000 companies were registered at the REPSE while 142,000 are currently registered.
Last year, as a result of the inspection activities conducted both by the IMSS and the STPS, 1,756 companies were deregistered in addition to being fined in the amount of 57 million pesos.