I was offered a promotion, but it requires moving to another city, should I accept it?

Before accepting a promotion that entails moving to a different city, multiple factors should be taken into consideration first, such as salary, the cost of living, professional interests, and family.

Note published on July 22 2024 in expansion.mx, Careers section, by Nancy Malacara. 


When you face the decision of accepting a promotion that entails moving to a different city, it is important to consider multiple factors that can have an impact both on your personal and on your professional life.

One of them is money. Salary continues to be important in career decisions, and it is even a determining factor in choosing whether to accept or not a new job and even a promotion. It certainly goes hand in hand with the emotional salary, that is, those incentives that an employee receives that can increase his sense of belonging to the organization.

PageGroup’s Talent Trends Latam 2024 study reveals that almost six out of every ten Latinos prioritize salary when accepting or requesting a new position. It can even be seen in its findings that 50% of employees are unsatisfied with their current salary, and even though 80% have tried to negotiate an increase in the last 12 months, only 11% have been successful.

However, from the perspective of economy, before accepting an offer for a job out of town or a promotion that means moving, total compensation and the cost of living in the new place must be analyzed, as cost of living varies among cities. No less important are the associated costs, such as immigration procedures, in the case of a different country.

Cost of life

According with Alejandra Martínez, responsible for Marketing B2B and Labor Market Studies at Computrabajo, it is essential to determine if the salary increase that is offered will be sufficient for covering any differences, as well as the costs associated to moving.

“Make sure that the monetary offer compensates moving and the change in cost of life. A change of residence also means a radical change of life. Analyze whether the emotional and monetary salaries cover your expectations”, she adds.

In addition to money, there is the professional part to consider. When you are offered a promotion in another city, it is worth reflecting on the benefits that it entails, for example, the opportunities for professional growth and the experience that you could acquire. In the long term, it is important to evaluate whether this promotion is a strategic step toward your professional goals.

“Its professional impact must be evaluated, analyzing whether the promotion will be beneficial to your career in the long term, whether you can handle the new responsibilities and how it will affect your network of contacts. This approach will help you make an informed decision that will benefit your professional career”, says Jorge Guerrero, Senior Director at PageGroup Mexico.

Moving alone or with your family?

On the other hand, a decision like this has consequences, particularly if you have a partner with a job and school-age children. In this regard, human capital specialist, Blanya Correal, says that the process of moving to a new city normally entails an adaptation process; even though your routine may not change that much, as you will continue to be doing your job, the routine of your partner and your children does undergo significant changes.

“This is why this type of movement often requires the accompaniment of a relocation assistance professional. It is opportune to consider whether the climate, safety, lifestyle, and customs of the new city will be positive for you and your family, keeping an open mind and with an interest to learn and grow, of course. It is also key to take timings into consideration and plan the appropriate moment for moving and moving your family”, the specialist points out.

In this type of decisions, it is worth considering the possibility of returning if things do not work out. “Moving for work is a major decision that not only affects your career, but also your personal life. Take the necessary time to reflect and make sure that the final decision is right for you and your family. Make a list of pros and cons and analyze all aspects that you consider to be important in your life”, Martínez advises.

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