The 40 hours reform: greater participation is seen

Legislator Susana Prieto, author of the proposal of the 40 hours reform, warns about various risks in the discussion of the bill which, to start with, she said, does not take the resolution that was already approved last April as its basis.

Note published on December 21 in El EconomistaCapital Humano [Human capital] Section by María del Pilar Martínez.



After pointing out that the Commission on Labor recently installed with the objective of analyzing the days of rest from work will now have the participation of the legislative coordinators of the House of Representatives, legislator Susana Prieto warns about various risks in the discussion of the bill which, to start with, she said, does not take the resolution that was already approved last April as its basis.

In an interview, Prieto Terrazas warns that there is “gender violence” in her being left out of the discussion of the reform, in spite of her being the one who made its proposal, into which they seek to include gradualness, like in the cases of Chile, and that this is not appropriate for our country.

“First of all, I hope that the coordinators of the Legislative Sections do show up this time at the work tables, as none of them appeared, not even by accident in the five Open Legislatures ordered first by the internal body of the House of Representatives itself, not even Ignacio Mier, the Morena coordinator, nor any of them”, she said.

The Morena congresswoman added that “I believe it is truly dangerous, that workers throughout the country should monitor this very closely because, first of all, none of them spoke at the installation of the Commission on Labor about what is sought by my Reform, nor about the Reform itself. They spoke about a 40 hours Reform, but not about my bill, which is now a ruling, of the ruling consisting of the amendment of Section Four of Constitutional Article 123 and, right from that point both the business sector and the politicians at its service are making a mistake, in regard to the original proposal, that is, the Reform does not talk about hours at all.”

On the other hand, congressman and CTM member Tereso Medina is a part of the new Commission, and he said that the approval of the reform is a given, it is just that time will be taken for there to be a significant social pact that permits the approval of a reform that results on a benefit for the working class.

Likewise, he considers that gradualness is important, and it would have to be applied according to the sector of the economy, “that is what we need to talk about and discuss and agree upon.   That is why the Commission in which both businessmen and workers will participate was installed.”

The confederation seeks that the result of this exercise on dialogue is not one of losers and the winners, in this case if anyone will win, it will be Mexico and the workers”, he said.

For Óscar de la Vega, founding partner of De la Vega & Martínez Rojas, “gradualness is necessary, in addition to a reasonable time for its enforcement, it will otherwise become a reform that is disruptive for productivity.”

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