244 labor contracts have not been legitimized

Nota publicada el 18 en El Sol de Tampico, sección Local por Teresa Macías.


With the labor reform that has been approved, unions have the obligation of legitimizing their labor agreements; a few days before the deadline for this term, there are 244 agreements that have not been legitimized, reported the Labor Engineering report by the De la Vega & Martínez Rojas Firm.

The report reveals that there are failed legitimations reported by the Federal Center for Labor Conciliation and Registration, showing that 244 collective bargaining agreements were terminated as the result of a process of negative voting by the workers.

The report established one of the great challenges for collective democracy in Mexico, considering that 85%of all companies had protection agreements, proof of this being the low level of ratification of these agreements that, to date, and according to information provided by the Federal Center, reached a little above 15 thousand collective bargaining agreements, which barely reaches a little over 10% of those that were reported as being registered.

The De la Vega & Martínez Rojas Firm warned that in the automotive and maquila sectors, the terminations of collective bargaining agreements that have failed  have been because of the pressure of independent unions.

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