Job jumping talent

Job jumpers are more than frequent changes in the CV. They are agents of change and innovation in the world of work.

Note published on October 23 in ExpansiónCarrera [Career] Section by Nancy Malacara.


There is a trend that is gaining strength in the job market. It is about the so-called job jumpers, that is, those professionals that do not stay in the same company for more than two years.

Madalina Secareanu, senior manager of Corporate Communications at Indeed Latam, defines them as people who embrace change voluntarily. “They do not plan to stay in the same position for long and are always in search of new opportunities”, she says.

Some of the reasons that motivate them to make these jumps are the search for better opportunities, significant salary increases, a different company culture and the dissatisfaction with the balance between work and their personal life. The need for recognition and the acquisition of new skills are also driving forces in this journey.

According to the OCCMundial employment bureau, bad leadership, lack of communication and an excess of work are added to the main causes for resignation. Additionally, the burnout syndrome is a significant factor that drives employees to seek new horizons.

Job jumpers are often millennials or centennials, with various motivators and their journey is marked by the constant search for opportunities and an unwavering desire for growth. These professionals are on the forefront, navigating through an ocean of possibilities, in the hope of finding a place in which they can prosper.

Despite the apparent challenge of hiring a job jumper, Sergio Porragas, director of Operations at OCCMundial, emphasizes that the term does not always entail negative connotations. “Changing jobs frequently can be a valid strategy for adapting to changes in the industry, developing different skills or seeking better opportunities”, he says.

Why hire them?

Job jumpers used to be seen with a certain skepticism, labeled as unstable professionals. Nevertheless, the evolution of the job market has led to a more in-depth analysis of this trend and to understanding that there is much more than a simple search for variety behind these changes.

Alejandro Paz, Country Manager at Robert Walters México, believes that hiring job jumpers can be a beneficial strategy for modern companies. These professionals bring with them a wealth of experience and up-to-date knowledge in addition to a mindset of continuous learning that can inject vitality into any organization.

“Their capability for providing a fresh perspective and new ideas to the projects is an invaluable asset, and their agility for quickly filling critical positions may save high-pressure situations”, he says.

International consultant Blanya Correal adds that, beyond their history of frequent changes, job jumpers stand out for their adventurous spirit and their lack of fear of facing new contexts. This ability becomes precious when it is combined with continuous challenges and evolution, given that it provides them with the necessary motivation for overcoming any obstacle.

Another advantage of having a job jumper in the team is the opportunity of learning practices from different companies, exploring various  approaches for addressing problems and, perhaps, discovering areas or improvement in processes that may have become routine.

For Renata Maldonado, director of Human Resources at Natura&Co, job jumpers provide innovation and agility.   Their experience allows them to question the status quo and establish relationships at all levels of the organization. However, their level of tolerance to routine is lower, which requires an effort by the employers to keep them motivated.

“We know that 75% of young people consider that this practice is beneficial for their careers. This different mentality, focused on immediate rewards, poses a continuous challenge for companies, who must evolve their employee value proposition in order to attract and retain these professionals”, Maldonado points out.

Today, 60% of the cosmetic firm’s workforce in Mexico is represented by millennials, 30% by generation X, and 8% by centennials and 2% by baby boomers. “It is not that we are specifically seeking job jumpers, but it is a trend”, she admits.

In this case, internal mobility, continuous recognition, the search of new challenges and quarterly development dialogues with leaders have contributed to the company having a voluntary rotation of 3% and an engagement index of more than 85 points.

The appeal of job jumpers

The companies that could benefit the most from these profiles are those that value versatility, adaptability, and the ability of establishing social relationships in their personnel. In industries such as technology and in start-ups, where innovation is constant, job jumpers can be a valuable asset

Additionally, in roles relating to sales and marketing, professionals that change jobs frequently often develop solid skills in these areas.  Their varied experience allows them to understand different markets and audiences, which can be advantageous in marketing products or services.

In the area of consulting, job jumpers can also stand out, as their varied experience and their ability for addressing different problems can be essential in helping clients find innovative solutions.

In regard to public relations and communication areas, the ability of making connections and understanding different perspectives can be fundamental. These professionals can adapt to diverse audiences, which is essential in these roles.

Companies that work on short term projects or one-time assignments can also benefit from their flexibility. These professionals can join the team for specific projects and provide new ideas and new perspectives.

In creative industries, such as graphic design, advertising and content production, a fresh perspective and creativity are crucial. Job jumpers can provide just that, which makes them valuable contributors in these areas.

The challenges of opening the door to them

Hiring them is not without challenges, particularly in a scenario in which companies deal with talent drains. Paz mentions that one of the greatest fears is that these professionals do not commit to the company for the long run, which could affect the cohesion of the team, the continuity of projects and the transference of knowledge.

There is a concern that the investment in their training and development will not bear fruit if they change jobs. “This is why it is fundamental to maintain an open and continuous communication with job jumpers, to establish clear objectives and development plans that establish a long-term career path within the organization”, he says. Correal highlights the possible instability in processes that could jeopardize the committed deliverables for the client. Additionally, there is the risk of leakage of confidential information, given that job jumpers often move among companies that compete within the same sector.

Maldonado, for her part, emphasizes that the company must build career plans that retain the talent and encourage people to fall in love with the organization. “This entails working hard with the leaders and overcoming old paradigms, as these professionals are less fearful of venturing into unknown areas.”

The right balance

Secareanu is convinced that the balance between talents is essential for the success of organizations. She highlights the strengths of those that have had diverse job experiences; they tend to be experts in adaptability and in the creation of solid interpersonal relationships and often have a valuable network of contacts.

On the other hand, employees that have built a stable career within the same company can possess a deep knowledge of the internal processes, the values, and the objectives of the organization. “Finding the right balance between job jumpers and employees with a long standing in the company can provide stability and experience in the long term, at the same time as injecting innovation and fresh energy into the organization. Adapting the hiring strategy to the specific needs and objectives of the company is essential for making the most of the potential of both types of talent and fostering a work environment in which all employees feel valued and committed”, she concludes.

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